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“Someone Great” The Greatest someone might just be yourself!

Someone Great is a new Netflix rom-com with a twist! We normally go into romantic comedies already knowing that our leads are going to meet, lose, and inevitably, end up together. Someone Great, is different. It’s all about friendships, falling in love, and ultimately finding yourself.

The Netflix show follows a music journalist Jenny (Gina Rodriguez) along with her two besties Blair and Erin (Brittany Snow and Dewanda Wise) and their therapeutic girls night out after going through a break-up with her boyfriend of nine-years, Nate (Lakeith Stanfield). Sound intriguing? Pop Entertainment recently had the chance to interview the director Jennifer Kaytin Robinson and a few cast members at a private screening of the movie in Hollywood, California on Wednesday, April 17th. Here is what they had to say.

Hi Jennifer, how are you doing?

Jennifer: I'm doing great, thank you!

So can you tell me a little about what inspired you to create this film?

Jennifer: Yes! So this film was born out of my experiences in my twenties and I really wanted to make a movie for women about a woman choosing herself. And I wanted to make a romantic comedy where there's no promise of romantic love that's going to fulfill you but instead it’s yourself, its your friends, and just making a movie that says to people you are enough!

I love that concept where it's not about the guy but its about self-reflection and how you can make yourself happy.

Jennifer: Yes! It's about your friends and making yourself happy! Exactly.

Now is this your directorial debut?

Jennifer: Yes, it is.

Congratulations! So how did you get started and what other things have you done?

Jennifer: Thank you! And yeah, I did. I wrote a show for MTV called Sweet/Vicious, then when this came about I dropped the idea to Paul Feig's company who produced the film and he loved it, then we took it to Netflix’s and that's how it happend.

That's amazing! So do you have a personal favorite rom-com that is your go to?

Jennifer: personal favorite rom-com..I would say right now I have been re-visiting all of the Nora Ephron classics. I have been watching a lot of her stuff and she is the rom-com queen, so this is my ode to Nora.

After we spoke with Jennifer rest of the cast began to show-up and make their way down the yellow carpet. Dewanda Wise was the next cast member we were able to catch-up with.

Hi, how are you?

Dewanda: I'm doing great! Thank you for asking.

So how much fun did you have filming this movie?

Dewanda: Oh my gosh, I had so much fun! I feel like part of the reason people will love it so much is because we had so much fun making it.

Can you give us a fun behind the scenes moment where you and the girls are getting into trouble?

Dewanda: I'm not revealing secrets I'm not a snitch! We are all secretly no fun. No, honestly we all just like to chill at home, cook dinner for each other and play with our pets.

So I also have to ask, you are on a episode of the new Twilight Zone. How was that?

Dewanda: Oh my gosh, a blast! I've never done that genre before in my life. And you know working with the CGI and an intimate group of five was great. Have you seen it yet?

Yes, I've seen the first couple of episodes. I loved it!

Dewanda: Yay! They are so good.

Do you have a favorite episode of the old Twilight Zone?

Dewanda: “To Serve Man.” Hands down.

Very nice. Well thank you so much!

Dewanda: Thank you!

Next we got the opportunity to close out the evening with asking Brittany Snow (Blair) a very important question. Some of her other credits include Pitch Perfect, The Pacifier, and Hairspray.

Hi, it's so nice to meet you!

Brittany: You as well.

So this movie is kind of about friendship and leaning on your friends when times get tough. Just a fun question, if you and two of your best friends were going to have one last night out on the town together, who would you take and what would you do?

Brittany: Oh god, that's like choosing what my favorite food is, I like them all! Umm, I would choose my best guy friend to go out on the town who because he's really mischievous and all though we would probably end up in jail we would have a really great time. And my other person would have to be my fiancé too.

What would you do?

Brittany: Oh, I don't know. What would we do? Probably just go with the flow. Go to a party or a concert and then just keep following people and see where the night takes us.

That sounds like fun. Well, thank you so much!

Brittany: Of Course!

Someone Great premiered on Netflix on Friday April 19th. If you haven’t already make sure to go check it out! It is definitely worth the watch and has a surprising ending that you don’t get from your typical romantic comedy.

Re-post from Pop Entertainment.

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