LeTisha Jackson, on her New Book "Woman to Woman!"

LeTisha Jackson is a model, actress, and now an author! She was born and raised in the mid-west before she made her way out to Los Angeles to pursue her creative passions.
In her new book, Woman to Woman: Letters from Wives to Mistresses, she conveys the destruction and heartbreak that a betrayed wife goes through while still allowing the mistress to speak.
LeTisha and her book are on a mission to empower and strengthen the bonds of sisterhood as she, other wives, and mistresses finally open up and talk to each other...woman to woman.
Exclusive Interview
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, and your journey?
LeTisha: I was raised in the mid-west, Detroit to be more exact. At 17-years old, based on a dare by a friend, I began doing pageants, and fell in love with them. Winning pageants led to modeling, and modeling led to acting. I loved being in the spotlight! When I turned to 25, I took that love and moved to Los Angeles. I did a few infomercials, but eventually settled into having 9-5 jobs, and falling madly in love with my then husband.
Tell us about your book "Woman to Woman: Letters from Wives to Mistresses?"
LeTisha: Great Segway! As I just mentioned, I fell madly in love while in LA, and “Woman to Woman” unfortunately came from the devastating revelation that my husband was not just cheating or having a fling, but was in a full-blown relationship with another woman; even living with her some time.
How did you come up with the idea?
LeTisha: One day I found out where my husband was staying with her (you’ll have to read the book to find out how that came about), and I decided to be brave and knock at her door. At the end of our conversation, as I was about to depart, she said to me…”woman to woman, I know how…” I can’t reveal all she said because as simple as those three little words are, there is a big reveal of its meaningful, weighty, and heartbreaking context in the book.
Why should people read your book?
LeTisha: I wrote “woman to woman” for women specifically, even though men are expressing an interest in reading it too – that’s because they are relieved that it’s not another book about THEM and why THEY cheat! But women need to read this book because it is unlike any other book written on the subject of adultery, and more specifically, the mistress. Award-winning author, Kecia Bal, in the foreward she wrote for my book, said that I manage to take on the topic of the mistress with grace; she also mentioned in her review of the book that my take on the topic is “refreshing; albeit controversial.” The controversy stems from the fact that I am stating in my book, unapologetically that “the other woman” is to blame in an adulterous affair. While “Woman to Woman” does take the women to task for their betrayal of hurting another woman, the goal of the book is to give women a real and unfiltered look at what we do to one another when we allow ourselves to be “the other woman.” However, despite its tone, my book is meant to strengthen our sisterhood and instill what I believe is a key element missing in the female community…loyalty. The real-life letters I gathered from both wives and mistresses for use in “Woman to Woman,” takes my book to a whole other level that has not been found in any other non-fiction book on the subject. In writing to one another through these letters, women are sparking a real, albeit uncomfortable, and much needed conversation about why in this time when we are more powerful than ever before, we continue to be each other’s worse enemy especially when it comes to the want of a man.
What do you hope readers take away from your book?
LeTisha: I certainly hope readers will take away a sense of strength and a renewed sense of loyalty from woman to woman. One beta-reviewer (those who read the ARC of my book to provide a pre-release review), in her 60's said even at her age, “Woman to Woman” gave her a sense of guilt and remorse while at the same time giving her a renewed sense of loyalty to our sisterhood. Despite people jumping on the bandwagon of saying they don’t have regrets, I hope women do take away a sense of regret for ANY betrayal they may have committed against another woman, against our sisterhood. I believe that having regret is what helps us to have self-accountability, and ultimately helps us to not repeat that specific hurtful behavior again.
Is this your first published book?
LeTisha: Yes, this is my first book, I’m so nervous and excited! It’s not released just yet. It just came out of final editing, and now is the time that I am submitting my book proposal in search of a literary agent. I keep my audience up to date via my once a week blog: letishajackson.com. There they can read book excerpts, including some of the letters I’ve received, as well as be among the first to know what’s going on with me and the book.
Do you have any plans to write another book?
LeTisha: If another book topic of which I’m passionate comes to me I definitely will. In the meantime, when inspiration hits or time permits, I do sit down to add more and more to the screenplay I’m writing for “Woman to Woman.”
LeTisha's book will be out soon! In the meantime, if you would like to keep up with her journey you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also visit her website and blog which she updates regularly. Below, are her social media handles. Make sure to check her out!

Twitter: @AuthorYay
Instagram: @letishajackson.loyaltyiskey
Facebook: @womantowomanloyalty